Water lifeguard courses: how do students learn to save lives?
With their often extremely challenging financial situation students are constantly in pursuit of suitable part-time jobs. But, it’s not that easy with extremely limited time due to numerous assignments and lectures. These jobs have to have flexible work hours and pay at least minimum wage. For those who picked a college with a coastal view, lake, or pool working as a lifeguard could be a possible solution.
Despite its attractiveness that burst with popular TV shows and spinoff series, not everyone is capable to do it. The truth is this job is often not glamorous at all. Rushing into deep water and trying to save someone’s life while jeopardizing your own involves a lot of adrenalin, stress, and pressure. Before getting an opportunity to apply for this job students have to pass the training lifeguard certification process. Attending the lifeguard class is just a first step and could turn out to be the last one as well. People who want to work in this niche have to be good swimmers with a certain level of stamina and the ability to act quickly while remaining focused and calm.

Juggling studies and lifeguard work
Considering all the specifications of this job it’s safe to conclude that most lifeguards are extremely dedicated, humane, and driven kind of people. They truly love and enjoy their work and put a lot of passion and effort into it. However, students who work as lifeguards often struggle to combine essay and research paper writing and other college duties with work obligations. Because both studying and working are demanding activities, many students try to find affordable online solutions to fulfill college tasks. One solution that many of them use is a plagiarism checker for students as both a functional and practical tool to edit and polish any kind of college paper. After uploading, this easy-to-use checker signals any possible plagiarism detected in the writing. Needless to say, unlike some other positions, people who save lives have to be able to always perform at the highest level. With an online plagiarism checker with percentage, students can discover the level of originality and see the links to similarities, if any. This gives them more time to rest and prepare for work and other college assignments.
Learning the secrets of the trade
For all the students who are considering this profession, lifeguard courses are the best and most efficient way to obtain the necessary skills. This training is mandatory even for experienced lifeguards who were trained in a different location. Every coast has its peculiarities to be taken into consideration during the intervention. Therefore, candidates have to obtain basic skills in swimming, diving, awareness, assessment, and lifesaving.
Spotting, recognizing, and assessing
Although looking with the binoculars might help to spot a problem on the crowded pool or beach it’s still not enough. Besides learning how to scan the water surface, lifeguards use both eyes and ears to detect the potential drowning incident. Recognizing the nature of the danger is the next step that needs to be practiced along with the situation assessment. During this phase candidates also have to learn radio and response protocols. Once all these skills are learned and mastered, a lifeguard can spot and assess as well as plan the best approach to the intervention in a matter of seconds.
Lifesaving procedure
Students also have to learn how to perform the lifesaving intervention and save life of a drowning person without endangering their or other people’s lives. This means that they have to be able to run, operate a boat or a jet ski, paddle the board, or use water skis. In some locations, they need to be trained in snorkeling and scuba diving. Naturally, swimming both long and short distances is mandatory.
Lifeguard training also includes first aid, CPR, and other stipulated medical procedures.
It’s of great importance for every student not to forget to take good care of their health. Among other things, this means regular sleep, healthy food, socializing, and exercising. This is the only way they can achieve good results in college and while working as lifeguards. Once they managed to compose their schedules in a way that provides enough time for all of the important activities they’ll be able to pursue their dreams.
Author’s Bio
Carla Davis found the perfect balance many people dream of between work and pleasure. After being a professional swimmer, she discovered that writing is her equally strong passion. Eventually, she decided to combine her two favorite activities while helping others to find ways to live a healthier life. Carla believes that everyone can and should learn how to stop and smell the roses in this hectic, crazy world we live in today.