Beginner’s Guide to Proper and Safe Snorkeling
There are tons of interesting and amazing things under the water of seas, rivers, and lakes. However, you just can't jump and dive to the bottom of those places because you will drown without any doubt but thanks to incredible advancements in technology and science, now it's possible to start enjoying wonderful adventures in the water using different techniques and tools that will keep you safe during the activity. So, if you're interested in this, it's recommended that you check these couple of explanations to understand everything about this thrilling experience called "snorkeling". Let's begin.
What is Snorkeling?
Before diving into more technical stuff, you should know what is this activity to get some basic knowledge at least. Snorkeling in simple terms is an underwater activity that requires the use of a breathing tube to avoid drowning and a mask that will allow you to see everything in this new and intriguing environment. The beautiful thing about snorkeling is the fact that you will discover some new things at the end of the day, including amazing underwater canyons and a lot of species that will surprise you!
Everything sounds great, doesn't it? Well, there's more! This activity's extremely easy, the only requirements will be the breathing tube and the mask to enjoy the views, but that doesn't mean that you can just jump into the water and performing snorkeling like a professional! First, you should know some basic tips that can make snorkeling a more easy and safe activity that everyone can practice without worrying about complicated stuff.
How to Snorkel Easily and Safely? Explained in Tips.
Tip #1: Learn How to Swim.
This is kind of obvious but you can't join an underwater activity if you don't know how to swim! It may be true that most times you don't need to swim while doing snorkeling because the water will guide your body without requiring lots of movements. However, one never knows when something bad can happen! So try to learn new things and techniques that could save your life on one of these days.
If you don't want to lose so much time in learning everything swimming technique, then you could just use the kicking technique which is by far the most used in this kind of activities, and remember, knowing how to swim will make your body more flexible and mobile in the water, it's for your safety!
Tip #2: Breathe and Save Energy.
Since you'll be using a breathing tube, you have to adapt to this new type of breathing experience! Because it's nothing like regular breathing at all. To adapt your lungs to these tubes, you can do it even at home, the only requirement will be doing it in a quiet place in which no one will disrupt your training. In this way, you can help your lungs to expand their air capacity and distribution to other parts of the body, give it a try!
Also, something that everyone should know before joining snorkeling journeys is the fact that you CAN'T waste your energies under the water, remember, nothing will be like any regular experiences that you had before. Since your body will have to adapt to new environments and different conditions, you'll use some muscles that had been never trained, which means that the first time can be a little tricky but not difficult. Also, don't kick too hard under the water! This just will waste more energy and you could destroy some nature. Be relaxed, and remember to breathe steadily to avoid losing valuable energy and concentration!
Tip #3: Practice Will Make You a True Professional.
This is like learning any other activity or hobby, you can't stay with only basic knowledge! Do researches, practice on some days of the week, or talk to people who know more things that you do! In this way, you can get more valuable information into your mind that can develop and increase your skills in snorkeling.
Never lose your mind and stay calm as ever. Some situations can be scary like getting water into your breathing tube or getting fog in the mask, but you just have to dispose of those problems by blowing the water with your breath and press your mask to your face to clean it. Everything in the life has a solution!
How to Choose a Wetsuit for Snorkeling?

The problem with wetsuits is the fact that there are tons of models and designs available on the market! Which one will cover your requirements? Well, to obtain the answer to that particular question you need to take into consideration some things like the thickness of the suit, your size, and most importantly, the location on where you're planning to snorkel.

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In the case of wetsuit's thickness, you have to know that dive skin suits are ideal for warm temperatures, but you just have to be careful of any coral environment that can damage the equipment or even worse, your skin. On the other hand, thick neoprene wetsuits will be the best at cool temperatures without any doubt because you can't pretend that a regular person can swim properly in places where it's colder than most places during winter. To stay longer under the water, try this option.
Taking in mind the location will be the most important thing! Because depending on the time of the year, climate season and the location to know what wetsuit will cover the requirements. Just use the same measures that were explained in the previous paragraph, dive skin swimsuits to warm environments, and thick neoprene suits for cold places.
Finally, you can't buy anything in which you can't even enter! You need to know your height, waist, and chest measurements to avoid making any mistake while selecting the proper equipment. The only rule that everyone should know is "while thicker the suit is, more complicated to wear will be" and this isn't a joke. Consider that phrase for your future adventures. Good luck!